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① tool-box meeting應該怎麼翻譯


Toolbox talks(meetings)

Toolbox safety talks are especially important to the supervisors on your jobsites and projects because they afford the supervisor the opportunity to convey, in a timely manner, important information to the workers. Toolbox talks may not be as effective as the one on one, but still surpass a memoranm or written message. In the five to ten minutes prior to the workday, a shift, at a break, or as needed, this technique helps communicate time-sensitive information to a department, crew, or work team.

In these short succinct meetings, convey changes in work practices, short training moles, facts related to an accident or injury, specific job instructions, policies and proceres, rules and regulation changes, or other forms of information which the supervisor feels are important to every worker under his supervision.

Although toolbox talks are short, these types of talks should not become just a routine part of the workday. Thus, in order to be effective, they must cover current concerns or information, be relevant to the job, and have value to the workers. Carefully plan toolbox talks to effectively transmit a specific message and a real accident prevention technique. Select topics applicable to the existing work environment; plan the presentation and focus on one issue at a time. Use material to reinforce the presentation and clarify the expected outcomes.

Some guidelines are

1. Plan a toolbox training schele in advance and post a notice.

2. Prepare supporting materials in advance.

3. Follow a procere in the presentation: explain goals; try to answer questions; restate goals; and ask for action.

4. Make attendance mandatory.

5. Make each employee sign a log for each session.

6. Ask for feedback from employees on the topic or other proposed topics.

7. Involve employees by reacting to suggestions or letting them make presentations when appropriate.

8. Reinforce the massage throughout the work week.

No matter how effectively you communicate with your workforce, you still need to assure that your workforce has the competence to perform the basic skills for the tasks they have been assigned.

② 為什麼會工具箱都會用到工具箱拉桿


③ 工具箱都會用到工具箱拉桿嗎


④ 夢幻西遊使用夢幻工具箱會不會被封號

如果是外掛之類的東西 肯定會封號 如果是一些輔助工具 不會受到任何影響

⑤ 工具箱會議的介紹


⑥ 在團輔活動中運用團體心理輔導活動工具箱會有多大的效果呢,WHO給我說一下啊!

團體心理輔導活動是以團體情境為平台給學生提供成長過程中所需的心理幫助的一種形式版,學生在團權體人際相互作用下通過觀察、學習、體驗來認識自我、接納自我,發展自我,並學習新的態度和行為方式,從而調整和改善與他人的關系,發展良好的人際適應,最終達到更完善的發展與成長。 團體心理輔導活動工具箱是針對不同年齡階段學生的心理發展特點專門開發的心理輔導活動課程工具箱。本產品結合了國內熱門心理輔導活動培訓經驗和國內外的最新團體輔導活動,致力於通過不同的主題活動促進學生的心理健康和積極成長。 我們學校的心理活動室運用的就是京師博仁團體心理輔導活動工具箱,在實際應用中,依照其指導手冊與博仁那個李老師的良好溝通,團輔活動取得了圓滿的成功,學校領導很是贊同。所有很感謝京師博仁為我們解決了團輔活動中的難題。

⑦ 什麼是工具箱會議

工具箱會議的英文是toolbox talk,是工程管理中安全部門專門面向工人開設的初級安全培訓課程,以提升其技能和安全意識。

⑧ 微pe工具箱會導致開機花屏嗎

⑨ 工具箱會議的例句

* 1.This operation requires a Toolbox Talk, covering equipment use and positioning of personnel.
* 2.Before starting the job, hold a Toolbox Talk with the crew to discuss equipment, tools, proceres and safety.
* 3.1) Before starting the job, hold a Toolbox Talk with the crew to discuss equipment, tools, proceres and safety.

⑩ 用微商工具箱會被封號嗎




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