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发布时间:2021-11-27 00:58:08

㈠ MATLAB的MPT工具箱如何安装,按照官网教程总是出错

matlab的工具箱安装其实很简单, 说白了就是设置一个路径让Matlab能找到工具箱里面的东西
在File -> Set Path 里面把第2步的那个目录加到系统路径里面, 第二个按键 Add with Subfolders (见下图)
回到matlab命令行: 输入DemoPSOBehavior 不出错就成功了!

㈡ 螺纹 3" x 4 MPT


㈢ 急急急!!!怎么安装MPT(具体步骤)

MOTOROLA L6 和 V3 驱动程序 下载MOTO L6 和V3 手机(通用的) 驱动软件下载 。(在P2kCommander3.2.8版软件的Drv目录中有L6的驱动,或P2KTOOS或MPT4.10) 登陆后 下载文件: 点击浏览该文件 P2kCommander_v3.2.8汉化版本 含最新的P2K驱动程序,适合E1,L6,V3, V360等新机型使用 安装及使用方法: 所需软件:电脑操作系统XP Sp2 1.下载MPT安装包。 http://www.rocky123.com/E398/zyDownFile/SoftZip/MPT_v4.1.rar 有下载 2.下载L6手机的驱动程序。(在P2kCommander3.2.8版软件的Drv目录中有L6或V3的驱动,或P2KTOOS)本站有下载 二、所需硬件:一条Usb数据线,一头标准头,一头MiniUsb头,数据线可以在电脑城买到。如果有V180 C381 C650等老机的数据线,都是可以通用的。 三、安装步骤: 先打开手机,使用数据线将手机连上电脑,自动提示安装驱动,不要选自动安装,选择指定,搜索目录指向目录 p2kdrivers_2.9,安装驱动,搜索过程可能有点久,请耐心等待。 安装完成后确保P2K可以识别手机,再安装MPT,安装完成后可能无法自动识别手机型号,没有关系,跳过。等程序运行后,在那个手机上点菜单,选择设置— 通用设置— 通信— 改变调制解调器— 配置设备向导。将不要自动检测,从列表中选择打钩——下一步,选择 motorola GSM——L6 或V3 下一步,完成。 然后程序就变成了L6或V3的形状,初始化后,就可以进入浏览器传铃声和图片了。 audio是铃声目录,支持MP3, picture是放图片的目录,video是放视频文件的。两边拖拽就可以拷了

㈣ matlab中生成voronoi图时,能否设定一个边界使得voronoi顶点不出现无穷远点


MPT_VORONOI Computes the voronoi diagram via mpLP


The voronoi diagram is a partition of the state space; For a given set of
points pj, each region Pn(j) is defined as
Pn(j)={x \in R^n | d(x,pj)<=d(x,pi), \forall i \neq j}

points - Optional input:
Matrix p times nx of points: nx is state space dimension and
p is the number of points
The entry is graphical in 2D if no parameters are passed.
Options.pbound - A "bounding polytope". If provided, the voronoi cells will
be bounded by this polytope. If not provided, the cells will
be bounded by a hypercube as big as 1.5x the maximum
coordinate of any of the seed points
Options.plot - If set to 1, plots the voronoi diagram (0 is default)
Options.sortcells - If set to 1, resulting Voronoi partition will be ordered
in a way such that Pn(i) corresponds to seed point i.
(Default is 1)

㈤ Matlab的MPT工具箱

^extreme这个函数就可以得到顶点坐标。 给你个代码: function irPoly = getIrreg(m,s) %GETIRREGULAR Summary of this function goes here % get irregular pixels % the same begin & end % clockwise order % m - regular size % S - low/high resolution % get limit voronoi x = gallery('uniformdata', [(m*s)^2 1], 0); y = gallery('uniformdata', [(m*s)^2 1], 1); vOut = [0,0; 0,m; m,m; m,0]; P = polytope(vOut); Options.pbound = P; % Options.plot = 1; Pn = mpt_voronoi(m*[x,y],Options); % split each polygon for iPoly = 1:length(Pn) thisPoly = extreme(Pn(iPoly)); % limited in [0,m] thisPoly(thisPoly>m) = m; thisPoly(thisPoly<0) = 0; % make points in order k = convhull(thisPoly(:,1), thisPoly(:,2)); % make clockwise [pX,pY] = poly2cw(thisPoly(k,1),thisPoly(k,2)); irPoly{iPoly} = [pX,pY]; end%for iPoly end%function

㈥ 用matlab mpt工具箱生成受限的voronoi图。请问该怎么得到各个顶点坐标呢(包括voronoi边与边界的交点)

function irPoly = getIrreg(m,s)
%GETIRREGULAR Summary of this function goes here
% get irregular pixels
% the same begin & end
% clockwise order
% m - regular size
% S - low/high resolution

% get limit voronoi
x = gallery('uniformdata', [(m*s)^2 1], 0);
y = gallery('uniformdata', [(m*s)^2 1], 1);
vOut = [0,0; 0,m; m,m; m,0];
P = polytope(vOut);
Options.pbound = P;
% Options.plot = 1;
Pn = mpt_voronoi(m*[x,y],Options);

% split each polygon
for iPoly = 1:length(Pn)
thisPoly = extreme(Pn(iPoly));
% limited in [0,m]
thisPoly(thisPoly>m) = m;
thisPoly(thisPoly<0) = 0;
% make points in order
k = convhull(thisPoly(:,1), thisPoly(:,2));
% make clockwise
[pX,pY] = poly2cw(thisPoly(k,1),thisPoly(k,2));
irPoly{iPoly} = [pX,pY];
end%for iPoly


㈦ mpt_v3.25b.rar解压密码是什么我晕



㈧ 请问怎么用matlab画voronoi图,能否提供mpt_voronoi工具箱



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