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发布时间:2021-12-07 07:54:58



㈡ 求机械手中英文对照的翻译

Modern instrial robots are true marvels of engineering. A robot the size of a person can easily carry a load over one hundred pounds and move it very quickly with a repeatability of +/-0.006 inches. Furthermore these robots can do that 24 hours a day for years on end with no failures whatsoever. Though they are reprogrammable, in many applications (particularly those in the auto instry) they are programmed once and then repeat that exact same task for years.
A six-axis robot like the yellow one below costs about $60,000. What I find interesting is that deploying the robot costs another $200,000. Thus, the cost of the robot itself is just a fraction of the cost of the total system. The tools the robot uses combined with the cost of programming the robot form the major percentage of the cost. That's why robots in the auto instry are rarely reprogrammed. If they are going to go to the expense of deploying a robot for another task, then they may as well use a new robot.

This is pretty much the typical machine people think of when they think of instrial robots. Fanuc makes this particular robot. Fanuc is the largest maker of these type of robots in the world and they are almost always yellow. This robot has six independent joints, also called six degrees of freedom. The reason for this is that arbitrarily placing a solid body in space requires six parameters; three to specify the location (x, y, z for example) and three to specify the orientation (roll, yaw, pitch for example).
If you look closely you will see two cylindrical pistons on the side of the robot. These cylinders contain "anti-gravity" springs that are a big part of the reason robots like these can carry such heavy loads. These springs counter-balance against gravity similar to the way the springs on the garage door make it much easier for a person to lift.
You will see robots like these welding, painting and handling materials.

The robot shown at right is made by an American company, Adept Technology. Adept is America's largest robot company and the world's leading procer of SCARA robots. This is actually the most common instrial robot. SCARA stands for Selective Compliance Articulated (though some folks use Assembly here) Robot Arm. The robot has three joints in the horizontal plane that give it x-y positioning and orientation parallel to the plane. There is one linear joint that supplies the z positioning. This is the typical "pick and place" robot. When combined with a vision system it can move proct from conveyor belt to package at a very high rate of speed (think "Lucy and the candies" but way faster).
The robot's joint structure allows it to be compliant (or soft) to forces in the horizontal plane. This is important for "peg in hole" type applications where the robot will actually flex to make up for inaccuracies and allow very tight part fits.

The machine at left can be called a Cartesian robot, though calling this machine a robot is really stretching the definition of a robot. It is Cartesian because it allows x-y-z positioning. Three linear joints provide the three axes of motion and define the x, y and z planes. This robot is suited for pick and place applications where either there are no orientation requirements or the parts can be pre-oriented before the robot picks them up (such as surface mounted circuit board assembly)..

现代工业机器人是真正的奇迹工程。一个像人一样大小的机器人可以轻松地随身携带负载百磅,并很快地重复性移动+ / -0.006英寸。此外这些机器人可以做到没有失败的一天24小时的连续工作几年。尽管它们是可以改编的,在许多应用中(特别是在汽车行业) ,他们是一次编程,然后多年重复相同的任务。
六轴机器人像Fanuc的黄一个低于成本约为六万美元。我认为有趣的是,部署机器人的费用为另外的20万美元 。因此,机器人本身的成本只是整个系统费用总额的一小部分。这些机器人使用的工具与设计机器人的结构的成本一起构成了在成本的主要百分比。这就是为什么机器人在汽车业很少改编。如果他们将要去为部署机器人的另一项任务而花钱,那么他们可能会使用新的机器人。
当他们想到工业机器人时,人们认为这是非常典型的机械。Fanuc发明了这个特殊的机器人。Fanuc是全球最大的这些类型的机器人制造商,他们几乎都是黄色的。这种机器人有6个独立的节点,也称为六自由度。这样做的理由是,任意放置一个立体都需要6个参数;三个指定地点(例如x , y,z坐标)和3个指定的方向(例如转动,偏移,掷) 。
在右侧显示的机器人是由一家美国公司,Adept Technology ,制造的。Adept Technology是美国最大的机器人公司和全球领先的SCARA机器人制造商。这实际上是最常见的工业机器人。 SCARA主张选择地遵守铰接式(尽管有些人在这里利用组装)机械臂。该机器人在水平面有三个接合处,这给它x-y的定位和平行与水平面的方向。有一个线性的联合供应的Z定位。这是典型的“采摘和放置”的机器人。加上一个视觉系统它就可以在一个非常高的速度下将产品从传送带上进行封装。
在左侧的机器可以被称为笛卡尔机器人。然而叫这台机器为机器人实际上是伸展了机器人的定义。这是笛卡尔的因为它可以让x-y-z坐标系定位。三个线性接合处提供了3个轴的运动,并确定了X , Y和Z位面。这种机器人适合对场合和地点都没有方向的要求或部分可预先方向的拾起和放置应用(如表面裱好的电路板的装配) ..

㈢ 机械手怎么翻译

根据GB/T 12643-1997《 工业机器人 词汇》第3.1,机械手的英文应为:mainpulator,见下图:

㈣ 机械手臂英文简称是什么

[词典] [电影] Future Force;
Finally, each robot is equipped with a mechanical arm that it can use to pick up and put down beepers.

㈤ 求有关机械手的英文论文和汉语翻译 4000汉字

给你个摘要吧 其他自己写咯

在中国工业韧带发展中,很多高生产率高精度的机械加工设备从国外引进,比如数控车床和铣床等,还有把几种机床的功能集中在一起的加工中心等。总之这类 CNC机床大大的提高了工作速度,产品的加工精度,降低了工作的劳动强度,所以大受欢迎。但是这类设备引进费用也是相当的昂贵,所以国内很多企业的技术人员在原先的旧机床上进行改进,来达到提高生产率和降低工人的劳动强度,实现工业自动化,这类改进同样也大受欢迎。
工业机械手可以代替人手的繁重劳动,显著减轻工人的劳动强度,提高 劳动生产率和自动化水平。工业生产中经常出现的笨重工件的搬运和长期频繁,单调的操作,如果没有机械手那么工人的劳动强度是很高的,有时候还要用行车员工件,生产速度大大延缓,这种情况采用机械手是很有效的。此外,它能在高温、低温、深水、宇宙、反射性和其他有毒、有污染环境条件上进行操作。更显其优越性,有着广阔的发展前途。

㈥ 秋龙机械手中英文怎么转换

Modern instrial robots are true marvels of engineering. A robot the size of a person can easily carry a load over one hundred pounds and move it very quickly with a repeatability of +/-0.006 inches. Furthermore these robots c。

㈦ 发那科机器人示教盒显示怎么从英文改成中文



FANUC 是日本一家专门研究数控系统的公司,成立于1956年。是世界上最大的专业数控系统生产厂家,占据了全球70%的市场份额。





1、控制轨迹数(Controlled Path)




3、联动控制轴数(Simultaneously Controlled Axes)


4、PMC控制轴(Axis control by PMC)


㈧ 机械手中英文对照5000字

mechanical hand, is also called from begins, auto hand can imitate the manpower and arm's certain holding function, with by presses the fixed routine to capture, the transporting thing 'OR' operation tool's automatic operation installment. It may replace person's strenuous labor to realize the proction mechanization and the automation, can operate under the hostile environment protects the personal safety, thus widely applies in departments and so on machine manufacture, metallurgy, electron, light instry and atomic energy. the manipulator is mainly composed of the hand and the motion. The hand is uses for to grasp holds the work piece (or tool) the part, according to is grasped holds the thing shape, the size, the weight, the material and the work request has many kinds of structural styles, like the clamp, the request hold and the adsorption and so on. The motion, causes the hand to complete each kind of rotation (swinging), the migration or the compound motion realizes the stipulation movement, changes is grasped holds the thing position and the posture. Motion's fluctuation, the expansion, revolving and so on independence movement way, is called manipulator's degree-of-freedom. In order to capture in the space the optional position and the position object, must have 6 degrees-of-freedom. The degree-of-freedom is the key parameter which the manipulator designs. The degree-of-freedom are more, manipulator's flexibility is bigger, the versatility is broader, its structure is also more complex. Generally the special-purpose manipulator has 2~3 degrees-of-freedom. the manipulator's type, may divide into the hydraulic pressure type, the air operated according to the drive type, electromotive type, the mechanical manipulator; May divide into the special-purpose manipulator and the general-purpose manipulator two kinds according to the applicable scope; May divide into the position control and the continuous path according to the path control mode controls the manipulator and so on. the manipulator usually serves as the engine bed or other machine's add-on component, like on the automatic machine or the automatic proction line loading and unloading and the transmission work piece, replaces the cutting tool in the machining center and so on, generally does not have the independent control device. Some operating equipment needs by the person direct control, if uses in the host who the atomic energy department manages the dangerous goods from the type operator also often being called the manipulator.


机械手主要由手部和运动机构组成。手部是用来抓持工件(或工具)的部件,根据被抓持物件的形状、尺寸、重量、材料和作业要求而有多种结构形式,如夹持型、托持型和吸附型等。运动机构,使手部完成各种转动(摆动)、移动或复合运动来实现规定的动作,改变被抓持物件的位置和姿势。运动机构的升降、伸缩、旋转等独立运动方式,称为机械手的自由度 。为了抓取空间中任意位置和方位的物体,需有6个自由度。自由度是机 械手设计的关 键参数。自由 度越多,机械手的灵活性越大,通用性越广,其结构也越复杂。一般专用机械手有2~3个自由度。



㈨ 徍速机械手臂显示英文怎么才能调成中文

㈩ 六轴机械手臂用英语怎么说

机械mechanical; machinery; machine; inflexible; engine
Six axis robot arm



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