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重生SHENG作品 英语翻译

发布时间:2024-05-01 16:59:35

① 重生的英语翻译


reborn, renascence这两个词还没有被收录进字典,也就是说没这词。
noun [S or U]
a new period of growth of something or an increase in popularity of something that was popular in the past:

reincarnation noun
1 [U] the belief that a dead person's spirit returns to life in another body:
Hins and Buddhists believe in reincarnation.

2 [C] a person or animal in whose body a dead person's spirit returns to life:
He believes he's a reincarnation of Julius Caesar.

reincarnate Show phonetics
1 [T always passive] If a dead person or animal is reincarnated as someone or something else, their spirit returns to life in that person or animal.

2 [T] If something is reincarnated, it appears in a different form, especially after it has disappeared for a period of time:
Compared to the old model, the reincarnated Mini Cooper has a more powerful engine and looks more streamlined.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


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